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Icon LinkConverting Between Native Types and Addresses

This guide demonstrates how to convert between Addresses and Fuel's native types (Bytes32, b256) using helper functions. Native types are wrappers for bytes, and you can perform conversions between them by leveraging these functions.

Icon Link1. Bytes32 and b256 Conversion

The following example demonstrates how to convert between Bytes32 and to b256:

const random256BitsArr: Bytes = randomBytes(32);
const hexed256BitsStr: string = hexlify(random256BitsArr);
const address = Address.fromB256(hexed256BitsStr);
const arrayB256: Uint8Array = arrayify(random256BitsArr);

Icon Link2. ContractId

The Contract id property has the AbstractAddress type. This means that a contract ID can be converted amoung all the supported convertions from the AbstractClass.

import { FUEL_NETWORK_URL } from 'fuels';
const address = Address.fromRandom();
const contractLike = new Contract(address, abi, provider);

Icon Link3. Wallet Address

The Wallet address property has the AbstractAddress type. So just like a contract ID, it can be converted amoung all the supported convertions from the AbstractClass.

const address = Address.fromRandom();
const wallet: WalletLocked = Wallet.fromAddress(address, provider);
// we use the cast here to cast from `AbstractAddress` to `Address`

Icon Link4. Asset ID

Asset IDs have the type of b256 . The following example shows how to create an Address from an b256 type:

import { ZeroBytes32 } from 'fuels';
const assetId: string = ZeroBytes32;
const address1 = Address.fromString(assetId);
const address2 = Address.fromB256(assetId);
const address3 = Address.fromDynamicInput(assetId);
// consistent bytes conversion

By following this guide, you should now be able to convert between Fuels native types using helper functions.

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